
Friday 25 November 2011

Our Assembly about Julia donaldson

We enjoyed our assembly, thankyou for watching.

Our Assembly

I like Freddie and the  Fairy I stood up and said my favourite book. C

I like night Monkey   day Monkey. I stood up and said favourite Book. W

I like willam about child gruffalo. I was Julia Donaldson. S

I stood up and my favourite book I like highway rat. N

I like stood up and learn words
I drew little picture and copy big
I sat smart. A

I like  stlck  man   I  read  the paper  words. A

I like stick man because he help santa
I stood up and I tell everyone about Julia Donaldson. C

I like the  film about books. J

Friday 14 October 2011

Fantastic Dinosaur story writing from Miss Cars group!!!

We have written lovely stories about Dinosaurs, we tried really hard to write them on our own.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

This week in Mrs Rees's Literacy group

This week we have read the story of The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. We drew some beautiful pictures.

Learn to sign

We will be adding to this section, just keep an out eye out.  Here is the Fingerspelling alphabet to keep you going.

This week in Miss Car's Literacy Group!!

We have been reading Dinosaur stories so we can write our own.  We have read these books.  You can watch a signed version of Tyrannosaurus DRIP on signedstories

Thursday 8 September 2011